Snow Storms

Snow Plow

Emergency Preparedness Reminders

Winter storm events may create hazardous driving conditions and threats to life and property. Blowing or heavy snow or icing during a winter storm may also impact power lines, interrupting electrical power, heat, and water. Are you ready? 

Here are important snow storm preparation reminders for our residents:

  1. Makes sure you are subscribed to emergency alert systems.
  2. Parking on any street during snow emergencies is strictly prohibited by ordinance. This impedes snow removal and causes delays in road clearing.
  3. Please stay off the roads during a snowstorm, unless travel is essential. You will be helping to keep our first responders safe, as well as yourself.
  4. Charge your cell phones, stock up on food/medications, and gas up vehicles in advance.
  5. Register your account online with PSE&G in advance and set up texting service. Text or go to their Outage Center page to report or get status on power outages.
  6. If you have a well, its pump runs on electricity. Consider filling your tub with water to flush toilets and bottling some drinking water in advance of a potential power outage.
  7. Check your generator in advance. If needed, keep it vented away from home.
  8. Make sure the exhaust vents to your furnace and hot water heater are clear of drifting snow.
  9. Be patient waiting for snow plows. Montgomery Twp. Public Works Dept. stands ready to clear roads as fast as possible. Crews will be working overnight.
  10. Keep your high efficiency home furnace intake/exhausts clear of drifting or shoveled snow.
  11. You can help by clearing snow 3 feet away from a fire hydrant in all directions, if one is near your property. This will aid responders in case of an emergency. Thank you!
  12. Please clear sidewalks within 24 hours of last snowfall.
  13. If you or a loved one has special requirements, such as medical equipment requiring electricity, plan ahead for the possibility of an outage and the need to evacuate. Now is also a good time to sign up for NJ Register Ready - Special Needs Registry for Disasters, a confidential list notifying local law enforcement of persons who may need special assistance during emergencies.
  14. Go to Public Works’ Winter Seasonal Notice to learn about snow plowing procedures, mailbox repair, keeping storm drains clear of ice and snow, and other ways we count on our residents’ cooperation.

More Winter Weather Precaution Tips at:

Community Center

Otto Kaufman
356 Skillman Road
Skillman, NJ 08558
(609) 466-3023

Main Offices


Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (908) 359-3222