Prepare Now for Hurricane Season

Clean House/Yard Now to be Prepared

Hurricane Season runs from June 1 to November 30 with the greatest impact to our area in August, September, and October.  

The Montgomery Office of Emergency Management would like to remind residents that they can start to prepare for Hurricane season today by getting their properties ready. Remove dead trees and tree branches which may cause a hazard to the home should they fall. Have gutters and downspouts cleaned as to allow water to flow off the roof and away from the home. Clean out the garage to allow for space to park a car, keeping it safe from the impacts of severe weather. Extra space in the garage may also allow for a safe place to temporarily store patio furniture. Organize and clean the basement, dispose of refuse. Shelving and pallets may help to keep items dry in the event of a basement flood.

Please see below links to useful Township and County services to help you with recycling, disposal and cleaning house:

Community Center

Otto Kaufman
356 Skillman Road
Skillman, NJ 08558
(609) 466-3023

Main Offices


Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (908) 359-3222